SUNSAT Board of Committee meets with Sheikh Community

One of the key visions of the university is to excel in community engagement with its various forms. The university recognizes community engagement as an essential tool to deliver services contributing to the successful establishment of the university. Therefore, The University Board of Committee including high profile government officials, namely Dr Sacad Ali Shire (Minster of finance) and Mubarak Abdillahi Ibrahim (Director General of Ministry of planning and Development) spent a whole day meeting with the Sheikh community.

 This splendid event was organized by the board to correspond to the community about the progress of the university establishment so far and what has been achieved. They also shared the strategies and plans in place to successfully develop the university. The community was pleased with the progress made so far and they supportively welcomed the board and appreciated their efforts.

Dr Saad Ali Shire (the minister of finance development and a member of the SUNSAT Committee) addressing the community
Community Audience
Dr Jama Musse Jama addresses the community about the visions and missions of the university
Members of the Community Soluting the Committee
Mamo Khadija Xaji Xassan ( Sheikh district councillor and a member of the university board) urges the sheikh community to support the university.
Mubarik Abdillahi Daljir ( Director General of Ministry of Planning and National Development) addressed the community about the history and achievements of Committee